Innovation Funding

America’s Seed Fund is coordinated by the Small Business Administration and funded through 11 participating federal agencies that fund innovations.

America’s Seed Fund has two programs: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR). Both programs award non-dilutive funding to qualified recipients to develop their technology and chart a path toward commercialization.

Critical and Emerging Technologies (CET) are of vital importance to the U.S. government. Therefore, it has made CET funding and support a top priority.

The U.S. National Security Strategy identifies expanding economic prosperity and opportunity as one of three primary goals.

The following critical and emerging technology areas are deemed of critical importance to U.S.

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) can help startups and emerging companies obtain innovation funding through approved private sector partners known as Small Business Investment Companies (SBIC). To determine whether your company is eligible for SBIC funding and/or to discuss an SBIC outreach strategy, contact us at

Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs) are licensed

America’s Seed Fund provides innovation funding for startups and small businesses across technology areas and markets. To discuss U.S. federal funding opportunities and eligibility, contact us at

America’s Seed Fund is a startup innovation funding program of the U.S. National Science Foundation. Its purpose is to provide financial support to technology startups during the