The SelectUSA Canada conference brings together Canadian investors and U.S. market entry leaders to discuss opportunities and services available to Canadian companies planning to expand in the United States.

Rothwell Figg’s Fedtrade® U.S. Market Entry team recently attended the 2024 SelectUSA Canada Conference in Toronto, an annual event that provides a forum for Canadian

America’s Seed Fund is coordinated by the Small Business Administration and funded through 11 participating federal agencies that fund innovations.

America’s Seed Fund has two programs: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR). Both programs award non-dilutive funding to qualified recipients to develop their technology and chart a path toward commercialization.

Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”) continues to play an increasing role in the U.S. economy. This article presents an overview of FDI as well as resources for international companies.

FDI Defined. FDI occurs when a resident of one country obtains a lasting interest a business enterprise in another country. FDI can include (1) establishment of new